Solvin Zankl - wildlife photography
Solvin Zankl - wildlife photography
Solvin Zankl - wildlife photography
Solvin Zankl - wildlife photography
Solvin Zankl - wildlife photography


stern magazine

The current issue of ‘stern‘ is featuring my pictures of deep-sea animals I took during a 74-day research cruise in the Atlantic. I joined the team on board the RV Sonne to photograph the diversity of creatures found in the deep sea in the Benguela upwelling region off the coast of South Africa and Namibia. It’s a great privilege to be able to share the beauty of these rarely-seen animals with the world. The feature includes 11 pages of pictures and a short article about my work on board.

Thanks to Tim Rixen from Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT), the chief scientist of cruise SO285, for bringing me along and to the scientists on board for graciously letting me borrow their precious specimens.

issue No. 10/2023

To the deep sea images: Deep-sea


Living Lightbulbs: BBC Wildlife presents some of my images of bioluminescent animals in their March issue. Have a look and get fascinated by squid, jellyfish, sea anemones and tiny crustaceans, fireflies and glow worms that produce light in their bodies to attract partners and prey, scare off predators or to communicate with their peers! #bioluminescence #deepsea #oceanlife #fireflysquid #firefly #glowworm #bbcwildlife @wildlifemagazine

A World Made of Sand

„Welt aus Sand“: DIE ZEIT (53/2019) zeigt meine Bilder von biogenem Kalksand.

New photo book „Tiefseewesen“

I am excited to announce that my new photo book „Tiefseewesen“ is available now! My portraits of deep-sea animals and Maike Nicolai’s texts take you to the most fascinating ecosystem of our planet. The foreword is written by deep-sea biologist Dr. Diva Amon from Natural History Museum in London. Because I am currently out at sea, it will still take a while until I will see the book with my own eyes. So if you get hold of it, please send me a picture! And don’t forget: Our ocean is an amazing, take good care of it!

GEO magazine – Axolotl research

GEO magazine (12/2019) published my pictures about the Axolotl research done by Elly Tanaka research group in Vienna

Coverstory of the stern magazine

Stamp | Briefmarke “Der Schweinswal – gefährdete deutsche Walart“