GEO magazine, No. 08/2014
GEO magazine (German issue No. 08/2014) published my pictures about the Sargasso sea ecosystem. Thanks to the crew from Corwith Cramer and the students from the SEASemester for all your help and support!
GEO magazine, No. 08/2014
GEO magazine, German issue No. 08/2014, publishes Solvin’s images about the ecosystem Namib desert – (‘Manche mögen’s extraheiß ’) GEO veröffentlicht in der Ausgabe 08/2014 Solvins Bilder über die Artenvielfalt der Namib – (‘Manche mögen’s extraheiß ’).
TV Interview
In the TV show “Mein Nachmittag” (NDR) Solvin spoke about nature photography. In der Fernsehsendung “Mein Nachmittag” (NDR) sprach Solvin über Naturfotografie unter Wasser.
ISBN-13: 978-3-89405-977-4 Buch bei amazon anschauen:
GEO magazine, No. 09/2013
GEO magazine, German issue No. 09/2013, publishes Solvin’s images about the GEO day of Biodiversity 2013 – (‘Es bewegt sich was’) GEO veröffentlicht in der Ausgabe 09/2013 Solvins Bilder über den GEO Tag der Artenvielfalt 2013 – (‘Es bewegt sich was’).
stern magazine, issue No. 35/2013
stern magazine, issue No. 35/2013, publishes Solvin’s honey bee image as a double spread. Der stern veröffentlicht in der aktuellen Ausgabe 35/2013 Solvins Bienenschwarm als Doppelseite.
stern magazine, issue No. 28/2013
stern magazine, issue No. 28/2013, publishes Solvin’s Deep Sea Viperfish image as a double spread. Der stern veröffentlicht in der aktuellen Ausgabe 28/2013 Solvins Vipernfisch als Doppelseite.
GEO magazine, No. 07/2013
GEO magazine, German issue No. 07/2013, publishes Solvin’s images about Weevils (Curculionidae) “GUT GEBOHRT, KLEINER” GEO veröffentlicht in der Ausgabe 07/2013 Solvins Bilder über Rüsselkäfer (Curculionidae) “GUT GEBOHRT, KLEINER”
GEO magazine, No. 06/2013
GEO magazine, German issue No. 06/2013, publishes Solvin’s images about cold water corals from Norway “Korallen. Im Fjord?” GEO veröffentlicht in der Ausgabe 06/2013 Solvins Bilder über eine Kaltwasserkorallen “Korallen. Im Fjord?”
Cover Story in Schweizer Familie Nr 18
Magazine Schweizer Familie publishes Solvin’s story on Meerkats (Suricata suricatta) Schweizer Familie veröffentlicht in der Ausgabe 18/2013 Solvins Reportage über Erdmännchen (Suricata suricatta)
British Airways – high life – March/2013
British Airways inflight magazine prints Solvin’s Meerkat (Suricata suricatta) as cover.
Deep-water decapod is part of the ‘MAGIC PLACES’ exhibition in Oberhausen’s Gasometer
MAGIC PLACES, the current successful exhibition in Oberhausen’s Gasometer, still open until 21 October 2012. The larva is only 1mm long and now presented as a large-format picture.
GEO magazine, No. 08/2012
GEO magazine, German issue No. 08/2012, publishes Solvin’s images about carbonate sand from Raja Ampat, Indonesia – (‘Reines Bio-Korn’) GEO veröffentlicht in der Ausgabe 09/2011 Solvins Bilder über eine Handvoll Sand: Die Typen vom Strand – (‘Reines Bio-Korn’)
For the last ten years on every first weekend in June GEO initiates a so called „GEO-Day of Biodiversity“. Around one hundred biologists, specialised in different groups of plants and animals, gather under a predefined heading to find as many species as possible in an according area. At the end of the day the species […]
Magazine GEOinternational 05/2012
Magazine GEOinternational No. 05/2012, publishes Solvin’s story on Bat-eared fox (Otocyon megalotis) GEOinternational veröffentlicht in der Ausgabe 05/2012 Solvins Reportage über den Löffelhund (Otocyon megalotis)
Magazine natur 07/2012
Magazine natur 07/2012, publishes Solvin’s story on Tisza blooming (Tiszavirágzás). It is when millions of long-tailed mayflies (Palingenia longicauda) are rising in huge clouds, reproduce, and perish, all in just a few hours. Die Zeitschrift natur veröffentlicht in der Ausgabe 17/2012 Solvins Reportage über den Schlupf der Maifliege (Palingenia longicauda) – (Der letzte Akt)
Magazine GEOinternational 12/2011
Magazine GEOinternational No. 12/2011, publishes Solvin’s story on Meerkats (Suricata suricatta). The story is published in 15 international editions of the reportage magazine GEO reaching over 10 million readers. GEOinternational veröffentlicht in der Ausgabe 12/2011 Solvins Reportage über Erdmännchen (Suricata suricatta).
Magazine GEOinternational 11/2011
Magazine GEOinternational No. 11/2011, publishes Solvin’s story on Fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster) . The story is published in 15 international editions of the reportage magazine GEO reaching over 10 million readers. GEOinternational veröffentlicht in der Ausgabe 11/2011 Solvins Reportage über Fruchtfliegen (Drosophila melanogaster).
Cold water corals
Barbara Lich editor from GEOlino and Solvin Zankl inside the submersible JAGO. Solvin Zankl is photographing cold water corals on board RV POSEIDON for the next three weeks.
GEO magazine, No. 09/2011
GEO magazine, German issue No. 09/2011, publishes Solvin’s images about the GEO day of Biodiversity 2011 – (‘Alles klar?! vom Leben unter Wasser’) GEO veröffentlicht in der Ausgabe 09/2011 Solvins Bilder über den GEO Tag der Artenvielfalt 2011 – (‘Alles klar?! vom Leben unter Wasser’)
Meerkats (Suricata suricatta) definitely range at the top end of the charts of charismatic animals. Their social life – snuggling together in chilly evenings, sun-bathing with the whole group in the morning sun, standing guard for the others with this unmatched look in their face – makes them simply irresistible, as does their manlike appearance […]
Visions of Earth – National Geographic magazine
National Geographic magazine (June 2011) publishes Solvin’s Deep Sea Viperfish photo in Visions of Earth. The picture was taken on a research cruise within the Census of Marine Zooplankton CMarZ from Germany to South Africa aboard the icebreaker Polarstern. Census of Marine Zooplankton CMarZ is part of the Census of Marine Life project. More…